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Çudamani Shop

Good to Know about Bali by Emiko Saraswati Susilo

After twenty-five years of living, working and teaching in Bali, Emiko Saraswati Susilo brings together information that she has shared with countless friends and students.   Good to Know about Bali is a guide unlike any other. It includes a basic lay of the land, health & safety information, tips on traveling with kids, and…

Bamboo to Bronze

Bamboo to Bronze Director: I Dewa Putu Berata Assistant Director: Emiko Saraswati Susilo Artistic Advisors: I Made Arnawa; I Nyoman Cerita Composers: I Made Arnawa; I Dewa Putu Berata; I Dewa Putu Rai Choreographers: I Nyoman Cerita; I Made Kranca Performers Komang Harianto Ardiantha; Gusti Kompiang Armawan; Made Arnawa; Dewa Putu Berata; Nyoman Cerita; Dewa…

Odalan Bali

Odalan Bali Created and performed by: Gamelan Çudamani Artistic Director: I Dewa Putu Berata Assistant Artistic Director: Emiko Saraswati Susilo Gamelan Musicians Dewa Ketut Alit Adnyana, Dewa Nyoman Apramada, Gusti Kompiang Armawan, Dewa Gde Guna Arta, Dewa Putu Berata, Gusti Nyoman Darta, Wayan Darmawan, Ida Bagus Putu Haridana, Komang Harianto, Made Joker Winangun, Anak Agung…

The Seven-Tone Gamelan

The Seven-Tone Gamelan Orchestrafrom the Village of Pengosekan, Bali Created and performed by: Gamelan Çudamani Artistic Director: I Dewa Putu Berata About the Recording This album presents music by Gamelan Çudamani, one of Bali’s most vibrant new sanggar, or private arts organizations. It was formed by a family of young musicians in the village of Pengosekan,…

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