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Donate to Cudamani Now!

Project to repair the roof of our costume/office space.  We welcome donations of any size to help us repair our roof.  Serving as the protected space for our costumes and props and a office space for work, we must replace the entire roof.  OUr goal is to raise $5,000 USD.  Please considering help with this campaign. 

Educational Fund

As we recovered from the years of covid where gamelans did not play, no one danced, temple ceremonies we adapted, on Jan 1,2022 Cudamani reopened the school.  With initial support of the Foundation for World Arts we have a team of 18 faculty, a core staff and as of May 2023 we have 350 students enrolled.  Classes are full and the level of training is better than it has ever been.  With regular participation in temple ceremonies and public events, the school has found a good balance between the needs of students, families, the community and the temples.  As we face the future we are now focusing on how is to sustain and grow Cudamani.

We seek support for teachers salaries and underwriting the  expenses we incur with the many events we perform for our community.  All donations are tax deductable and go directly to Sanggar Cudamani.  Thank you for considering a donation.

Gamelan Çudamani is dedicated to teaching gamelan and dance to children in the Pengosekan and Ubud areas. Organized as a Sanggar (or school), Çudamani has dance instructions in male and female styles and gamelan classes for boys and girls.  A team of 10 senior artists form the key teaching team. They are paid as much as our budget can allow. We strive to increase their pay each year.

We raise funds from international touring, the Çudamani Summer Institute, the ACE program, and individual donations. The Foundation for World Arts has been a long term supporter of Çudamani.

The accomplishments of the teaching program are evidenced by the intergenerational presence of members at local temple ceremonies, family ceremonies, and arts festivals. At the forefront of promoting girls’ education and training, the Çudamani girls gamelan have been invited to perform twice in three years at the all-important Bali Arts Festival in Denpasar.

Considered the best girls group in the island, these girls also dance!

Gamelan Cudamani is dedicated to teaching gamelan and dance to children in the Pengosekan and Ubud area. Organized as a Sanggar (or school), Cudamani has dance instructions in male and female styles and gamelan classes for boys and girls. The groups are in great demand for local temple ceremonies, family ceremonies, and arts festivals. The Cudamani girls gamelan have been invited to perform twice in three years at the all-important Bali Arts Festival in Denpasar.

Before every performance Cudamani children pray at the temple.

Cudamani founders have a concern for the artistic, recreational, and social life of village youth. There are very few organized activities for the children of Pengosekan and the forces of modernization and electronic media easily find children lost in fantasy worlds that are disconnected from the social fabric of Balinese life.


Please help us in support of this exceptional effort by making a tax deductible donation to the Foundation for World Arts. 100% of your donation goes to support this teaching program.  Thank you for your consideration.

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